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Celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Gazli field

In November 2021, the joint venture Gazli Gas Storage LLC widely celebrated an anniversary event in Bukhara dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the development of the Gazli oil and gas field.

On October 17, 1956 year, 90 km northwest of Bukhara at a depth of 600 meters, well № 1 gave a powerful fountain of gas. This day became the starting point of the labor history of a unique deposit called "Gazli", the "blue treasures" of which have been hidden in the bowels of the ancient earth for centuries.

The anniversary of the Gazli field was attended by respected veterans, the oldest workers who stood at the origins of the development of the field. Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC Uzbekneftgaz, JSC Uztransgaz, JSC Uzlitineftegaz as well as other departments and organizations, our partners and guests were invited to make a congratulatory speech to the audience.

The participants of the anniversary remembered the history of the origin of the legend of the Bukhara land - the Gazli field, noted the labor exploits and merits of the people who stood at the origins of its discovery and development, talked about modern achievements, successes and prospects for the development of the field.

The organizers of the anniversary event presented certificates of honor and memorable gifts to the guests and veterans of the Gazli field.

After the award ceremony, the guests and veterans were presented with a short film prepared by Gazli Gas Storage LLC for viewing about the history of the discovery, achievements, revival and prospects of the richest oil and gas field of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also a festive lunch is organized.

The celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Gazli field brought together whose work is associated with the unique Gazli field, gas and oil workers of different ages, professional levels and statuses of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

День работника нефтяной и газовой промышленности!

Торжество этого профессионального праздника ещё с 1965 года отмечается ежегодно в первое воскресенье сентября. В этом году День работников нефтяной и газовой промышленности выпадает на 4 сентября

Training of specialists in the centers of Siemens Energy

Training of specialists in the operation and maintenance of gas compressor units (GCU) with a gas turbine drive SGT-750 for BCS-6A "Gazli".


As part of the project for the "Expansion of the Gazli UGS" work is underway on the construction of a booster compressor station BCS-6A. So, in order to study the features of operation, maintenance and technical diagnostics of the main equipment of the new booster compressor stations BCS-6A Gazli, in accordance with the contract for the design and supply of gas pumping units (GPU) with gas turbine drive SGT-750, a group of specialists of 10 people consisting of mechanical engineers, instrumentation and control engineers, electrical engineers, completed step-by-step training in the centers of Siemens Energy:

All 10 specialists have successfully completed theoretical and practical training programs, and received basic understanding of the principles of operation and maintenance of compressors, gas turbine engines.

The listeners also explained the basic principles of the device of the supplied GPUs and working operations. The training courses included a combination of theoretical lectures, 3D animation and multimedia materials, group events, questions/answers and open discussions. The joint venture Gazli Gas Storage LLC expresses its gratitude for the knowledge and skills acquired to the trainers of the training Centers Mr. Zlaton Cota and Ms. Edith Garcia at the plant in Finspång , Sweden and Mr. Jordan Kovalski and Mr. Andre Murmann at the factory in Duisburg, Germany. Also special thanks for the organization and support of the courses to the representatives of the EPC Contractor – Enter Engineering Pte.Ltd. in particular, to the Director of the UNG-1 Project Directorate - V. Orlov and the leading specialist - O. Urinboev, the project manager of Siemens Energy – A. Kosterev. (Andrey Kosterev), as well as the Head of the Representative Office of Siemens Energy Uzbekistan – Turaev H.




Participation in the charity marathon- “Samarkand marathon”

"Samarkand marathon"

From November 5-6 of this year , the Samarkand charity marathon was held in the city of Samarkand for the following races: marathon 42 km 195 m (held in Samarkand for the first time), half marathon 21 km 097 m, 10 km race, 2 km race, Nordic Walking 5K (nordic walking 5 km), as well as Kids Run (a race for children from 4 to 12 years for 300 meters or 600 meters). People of different ages from different cities and countries took part in this marathon. The race track in Samarkand is one of the most beautiful and interesting. Throughout the entire route you could see the key sights of Samarkand. The start of all the distances was organized next to the Registan ensemble! Employees of the joint venture LLC "Gazli Gas Storage" in the number of 4 people also showed their activity and took part in the 2 km race, Nordic Walking.The races took place on November 6. A musical and cultural program was provided for the marathon participants for two days. The marathon participants were united by a charitable goal. In 2022 this is an adaptation of museums for visually impaired and blind visitors. Samarkand Marathon is an international charity marathon in Uzbekistan, existing since 2019. In 2022, the marathon was included in the list of qualifying races of the World Marathon Championship in the age groups of Abbott WMM Wanda ageGroup World Championship. The marathon track is certified by the Association of International Marathons and Runs AIMS.  

Completion of general construction works at the Booster Compressor Station-6A at the Industrial site of the “Gazli” field


A wonderful holiday of Navruz comes to the beautiful land of Uzbekistan – a symbol of spring and renewal. The multinational people of Uzbekistan widely celebrate this long-awaited holiday in cities and villages. Navruz gives everyone hope for the best, faith in the successful implementation of their plans.
Consonant with the renewal and awakening of nature taking place at this time of the year, the JV Gazli Gas Storage LLC, as part of the project, completed the next stage of work at the booster compressor station BCS-6A built on 12 hectares of the Romitan district of the Bukhara region.
The purpose of the BCS-6A construction project is to ensure technological reliability and a significant increase in the technical and economic efficiency of the operation of oil and gas reservoirs at the “Gazl”i field, an increase in the volume of storage and supply of natural gas.
The implementation of the project will increase the possibilities of compensating for the seasonal unevenness of gas consumption by both the population and industrial enterprises. At the same time, it is planned to send a significant amount of extracted raw materials to the domestic market of Uzbekistan, especially in winter.
  For reference: The main process equipment of the booster compressor station is two gas compressor units with a unit capacity of 41 MW manufactured by Siemens Energy (the world leader in the supply of products, solutions, systems and technologies for the production, processing and transportation of oil and gas, energy and heat production) with two-stage centrifugal gas compressors of the Datum type and a gas turbine drive SGT - 750 located in an easily assembled hangar. Gas compressor units and BCS systems are equipped with modern supply systems, all necessary auxiliary piping equipment, automation system and natural gas metering devices from leading manufacturers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Germany, the USA, Turkey, India and Kazakhstan.
The unit capacity of this gas pumping equipment exceeds the available unit capacity of gas pumping equipment in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which currently amounts to 25 MW.
In addition to the above advantages, the gas pumping unit was chosen because of reliability in operation, long service life, the ability to work in a wide range of pressures, the ability to regulate productivity by changing the speed of the unit, high efficiency in its class and environmental friendliness.
The environmental performance indicators of the SGT – 750 industrial turbine are achieved by completing a fourth-generation combustion chamber operating on the principle of combustion with a depleted mixture and provides a low level of emissions (no more than 9 ppm NOx) in all load ranges.
At the same time, it should be noted that the industrial site of this booster compressor station is equipped with a modern service and maintenance repair unit and a chemical laboratory which will allow for the repair of the main and auxiliary equipment, as well as the analysis of process oil, natural gas, oil products of the booster compressor station and oil gas of the Company's field facilities.

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day!

Letter of thanks from the Romitan district administration

Romitan district administration is gratefully acknowledged the general director of the Gazli Gas Storage LLC JV Djabriev Otabek Akbaralievich for his contribution to the development of the energy sector by building a gas compressor station based on new modern technologies, as well as providing employment to the population by creating new jobs.

Gratitude on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region

The Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan expressed gratitude to JV Gazli Gas Storage LLC for its response and assistance in holding 09/16/2023. environmental campaign "World Cleanup Day" in Bukhara and Bukhara region. Thanks to your support the event was held at a very high level.

Happy new 2024 year!

Congratulations on Happy Women’s Day!

Congratulations on the spring holiday – Navruz!

Happy Ramadan Eid al-Fitr!

JV «Gazli Gas Storage» LLC statement (7 March 2024)

Happy May, 9th -Day of Remembrance and Honor!

Gratitude from the Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Happy Kurban Eid al-Adha!

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day!

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

Happy 6th anniversary of the joint venture Gazli Gas Storage LLC!

Сongratulations on the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

Happy New Year 2025!

Congratulations on March 8!


Congratulations on March 8!


Happy New Year 2025!


Сongratulations on the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!


Happy 6th anniversary of the joint venture Gazli Gas Storage LLC!


Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan!


Congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day!


Happy Kurban Eid al-Adha!


Gratitude from the Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan in honor of the celebration of "June 5 - World Environment Day" expressed gratitude to JV LLC "Gazli Gas Storage" for its active participation in environmental protection.


Happy May, 9th -Day of Remembrance and Honor!


JV «Gazli Gas Storage» LLC statement (7 March 2024)

In response to recent unfounded and defamatory media speculation alleging hidden interests within Gazli Gas Storage LLC held, we would like to set the record straight and present the facts below.


In October 2023, Gazli Gas Storage completed a corporate restructuring resulting in the stake previously held by Russian Forus JSC being transferred to Daxon Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong. Bakhtiyor Fazilov was and remains the main beneficiary of Gazli Gas Storage and no sanctioned individual has ever held a shareholding in the company.


The decision to relocate to Hong Kong was made due to the significant volume of business with Chinese companies. Relocation to Hong Kong will facilitate payments, attract additional financing, and facilitate procurement of equipment for further business development. Additionally, the restructuring simplifies the shareholding structure, increasing transparency for international investors and counterparts.


Gazli Gas Storage operates a gas storage facility in Uzbekistan. The ongoing expansion program focuses on increasing storage volume from 3 billion cubic meters to 10 billion cubic meters – a threefold increase.


Our investment of $310 million has yielded a significant result, boosting its capacity by 50% to 4.5 billion cubic metres. Additionally, oil production has surpassed the baseline plan by 25-30% in the initial three years, delivering 47,000 tons of oil, while gas production has reached 550 million cubic meters, contributing directly to Uzbekistan’s domestic market. The project has also created employment opportunities, with over 200 new jobs already established and plans to create an additional 100 positions.



Happy Ramadan Eid al-Fitr!


Congratulations on the spring holiday – Navruz!


Congratulations on Happy Women’s Day!


Gratitude on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of Natural Resources of the Bukhara Region


Letter of thanks from the Romitan district administration


Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Completion of general construction works at the Booster Compressor Station-6A at the Industrial site of the “Gazli” field


Participation in the charity marathon- “Samarkand marathon”

From 5-6 November 2022 the Samarkand Marathon was held in the city of Samarkand.


Training of specialists in the centers of Siemens Energy


Celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Gazli field

In November 2021, the joint venture Gazli Gas Storage LLC widely celebrated an anniversary event in Bukhara dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the development of the Gazli oil and gas field.
